Are You Easily Distracted?


It’s so easy to get distracted in todays world. Most of the distractions will come from other people, social media playing a major role.

In a world full of distractions, you must learn to live undistracted, unphased by it all.

Fear, doubt and worry are the main distractions to living a healthy, successful life.

Don’t allow others to project their fears and insecurities on you. Never let the weakness of this world infiltrate your mind!

To do that you must walk in faith and understand the truth, you have been perfectly made with unique gifts and abilities. You have value to add to this world. You have unlimited power within you.

We live in a world that contains a lot of negative and jealous people. Many of them have weak faith or no faith at all. As they are disconnected from spirit they find it almost impossible to move forward so they try to hold you back putting their doubts and fears in your mind.

We all go through hard times but its important to remember hardship is only for a season, not a lifetime.

You may be going through the winter of your life but spring is on the way, then summer. Stand up in faith each day with the knowing that the season is about to change.

Just because your friends have given up on their dreams doesn’t mean you have to. Spend less time with those that don’t add value to your life and more time with those that propel you forward.

Don’t allow negative people to distract you and stop you following your destiny.

Have a good week.

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